My name is Donald Sexton
Phone number 541 - 519 - 1491
email [email protected]
My personal story click more tab
This website was created to save American lives
The pages on this website proves most all mental disorders can be cured, and why many doctors don't honor their "Oath Do No Harm." Have printout 2/18/2013 My website was top 10 in world, a month later disappeared from internet. Read on you will see why.
I served four years as a Marine Helicopter Crew Chief in Vietnam. I was discharged
from military service with five areas of my brain severely damaged by excessive stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Patient at Veterans hospital with severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for years, but not one VA doctor told me the already known information
that would repair brain areas damaged. I studied and repaired my brain damage myself.
Americans need honorable media outlet exposure so veterans and American citizens do not suffer needlessly. I will begin requesting their help very soon, and sincerely hope someone has the compassion to verify my website statements, and do the common sense right thing so people understand these scientifically proven life saving facts.
Americas biggest problem is the mental health crisis, and the homelessness crisis. Problem the pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars hiding what Americans needs to known about psychotropic drugs that cause brain damage. Many doctors also
do not apply proven mental disorder treatments, in order to sell pharmaceutical drugs.
Doctor Linus Pauling only person to win two Nobel prizes by himself, and doctor Abram Hoffer who both have degrees in chemistry have proven 70 to 90 % cure rate with most mental disorders if treated before symptoms become to severe, video at bottom of Page.
paragraph below is most important statements on this website
Searched on google what do all the cells in human body need to survive, and function correctly. Oxygen, Water and Nutrients Nothing More. The nutrients that are not in the foods we consume, can be easily supplemented. Then our cells can make the amino acids, proteins, neurotransmitters, hormones etc., for the body and brain to operate at normal peak performance. Unquestionably we can profoundly reduce mental disorders and known diseases, because lack of many different vital nutrients causes cell damage in both the body and brain. Scientific proof these statements are correct, provided on this website.
Many American's constitutional rights to life, liberty, justice and a chance to enjoy life
are being profoundly violated, and American citizens must demand a very rapid change.
The evidence proving all statements can also be verified by googling main headings,
and on YouTube searches. Videos by doctors posted on website is also sufficient evidence.
Please understand this website information also explains why over eight thousand combat veterans commit suicide yearly, and how this tragedy can be easily prevented.
The actions by the pharmaceutical industry, and our nations leaders fits the description of premeditated murder. knowing you're actions will cause the death of another human,
and you do it anyway is premeditated murder. This website proves this horrible fact.
The pharmaceutical industry's profits in 2023 was approximately 120 billion dollars.
They spend several billion corrupting our Senator's, Congressman, Veterans Administration, Federal Drug approval Administration and other institutions to insure their huge profits. Below are the indisputable facts American citizens need to know.
NOTE: Psycho-tropic drugs are causing brain damage but sometimes must be used, smallest dose possible, and discontinued as fast as possible. Manic or severe mental problems ONLY. Short term use has some benefits, but long term use causes brain cell death. The pharmaceutical industry has produced penicillin, polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine, measles etc., so we need the pharmaceutical industry. However, American citizens must understand the real and mostly unknown solidly proven true facts.
Note: It takes one thousand suitcases of a million dollars to make a billion dollars.
Several billion dollars can and does corrupt an enormous number of people.
The love of money is the disgraceful reason causing this serious American problem.
Two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in .. Jun 9, 2021 — WASHINGTON — Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed
a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of ...
The pharmaceutical industry has approximately 1,800 lobbyist's, promoting
and paying money to every conceivable organization or person that can protect
their industry's huge profits. More than 3 lobbiest's for each member of Congress.
NOTE: America is the only country in the world that allows the pharmaceutical industry
to control the prices they establish for the drugs they sell.
35 to 45 thousand american citizens die yearly because they cannot afford the high cost of the drugs that would prevent their death.
112,000 senior's die prematurely yearly because they cannot afford these drugs.
There are 390,000 psychotics drug deaths yearly.
Many senior citizens cannot afford the drugs to prevent going blind. Is this fine with you.
Can long-term use of psychiatric drugs cause brain damage?
Doctors know that anti psychotic drugs shrink the brain often causing permanent brain damage.
Do psychiatric medications change personality?
The evidence for Personality Changes "Medication can definitely change people's personalities and change them quite substantially, University of Pennsylvania."
What are the dangers of psychotropic drugs?
Common and well-documented side effects of psychiatric drugs include mania,
psychosis, hallucinations, depersonalization, suicidal ideation, heart attacks,
stroke and sudden death. See (Continuation of Page One) doctor Peter Breggin one of the worlds most educated psychiatrists on mental health drugs being used proves this fact.
Is it possible that adverse drug events harm millions of Americans annually.
Adverse drug events harm 2.7 million hospitalized patients in the U.S. annually, with over 106,000 deaths and that's just for hospitalized patients. Another 350,00 adverse drug events occur in U.S. nursing homes each year. And believe it or not, by most estimates, only 1-10% of these adverse events ever reported. All facts can be verified on internet.
Can stress permanently damage the brain?
It has been noted that during times of chronic stress most often there is an imbalance in gray and white matter. In some cases, this results in permanent changes to the brain's structure. The long-term activation of the stress response system, and the over exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts people at increased risk of many health problems, including Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Schizophrenia and the list is much larger than presented here.
Proven best Treatment for most all mental disorders
What do orthomolecular practitioners such as Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer emphasize.
Orthomolecular medicine provides the brain and other organs the needed nutrients, changing or improving intake of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements,
and other naturally occurring substances promotes mental and physical well-being.
Note: Abram Hoffer explains how the pharmaceutical industry corrupts and controls
the American medical industry. Never stop using pharmaceutical drugs without psychiatric help very dangerous. This is an enormous problem for Americans to solve.
Phone number 541 - 519 - 1491
email [email protected]
My personal story click more tab
This website was created to save American lives
The pages on this website proves most all mental disorders can be cured, and why many doctors don't honor their "Oath Do No Harm." Have printout 2/18/2013 My website was top 10 in world, a month later disappeared from internet. Read on you will see why.
I served four years as a Marine Helicopter Crew Chief in Vietnam. I was discharged
from military service with five areas of my brain severely damaged by excessive stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Patient at Veterans hospital with severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for years, but not one VA doctor told me the already known information
that would repair brain areas damaged. I studied and repaired my brain damage myself.
Americans need honorable media outlet exposure so veterans and American citizens do not suffer needlessly. I will begin requesting their help very soon, and sincerely hope someone has the compassion to verify my website statements, and do the common sense right thing so people understand these scientifically proven life saving facts.
Americas biggest problem is the mental health crisis, and the homelessness crisis. Problem the pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars hiding what Americans needs to known about psychotropic drugs that cause brain damage. Many doctors also
do not apply proven mental disorder treatments, in order to sell pharmaceutical drugs.
Doctor Linus Pauling only person to win two Nobel prizes by himself, and doctor Abram Hoffer who both have degrees in chemistry have proven 70 to 90 % cure rate with most mental disorders if treated before symptoms become to severe, video at bottom of Page.
paragraph below is most important statements on this website
Searched on google what do all the cells in human body need to survive, and function correctly. Oxygen, Water and Nutrients Nothing More. The nutrients that are not in the foods we consume, can be easily supplemented. Then our cells can make the amino acids, proteins, neurotransmitters, hormones etc., for the body and brain to operate at normal peak performance. Unquestionably we can profoundly reduce mental disorders and known diseases, because lack of many different vital nutrients causes cell damage in both the body and brain. Scientific proof these statements are correct, provided on this website.
Many American's constitutional rights to life, liberty, justice and a chance to enjoy life
are being profoundly violated, and American citizens must demand a very rapid change.
The evidence proving all statements can also be verified by googling main headings,
and on YouTube searches. Videos by doctors posted on website is also sufficient evidence.
Please understand this website information also explains why over eight thousand combat veterans commit suicide yearly, and how this tragedy can be easily prevented.
The actions by the pharmaceutical industry, and our nations leaders fits the description of premeditated murder. knowing you're actions will cause the death of another human,
and you do it anyway is premeditated murder. This website proves this horrible fact.
The pharmaceutical industry's profits in 2023 was approximately 120 billion dollars.
They spend several billion corrupting our Senator's, Congressman, Veterans Administration, Federal Drug approval Administration and other institutions to insure their huge profits. Below are the indisputable facts American citizens need to know.
NOTE: Psycho-tropic drugs are causing brain damage but sometimes must be used, smallest dose possible, and discontinued as fast as possible. Manic or severe mental problems ONLY. Short term use has some benefits, but long term use causes brain cell death. The pharmaceutical industry has produced penicillin, polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine, measles etc., so we need the pharmaceutical industry. However, American citizens must understand the real and mostly unknown solidly proven true facts.
Note: It takes one thousand suitcases of a million dollars to make a billion dollars.
Several billion dollars can and does corrupt an enormous number of people.
The love of money is the disgraceful reason causing this serious American problem.
Two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in .. Jun 9, 2021 — WASHINGTON — Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed
a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of ...
The pharmaceutical industry has approximately 1,800 lobbyist's, promoting
and paying money to every conceivable organization or person that can protect
their industry's huge profits. More than 3 lobbiest's for each member of Congress.
NOTE: America is the only country in the world that allows the pharmaceutical industry
to control the prices they establish for the drugs they sell.
35 to 45 thousand american citizens die yearly because they cannot afford the high cost of the drugs that would prevent their death.
112,000 senior's die prematurely yearly because they cannot afford these drugs.
There are 390,000 psychotics drug deaths yearly.
Many senior citizens cannot afford the drugs to prevent going blind. Is this fine with you.
Can long-term use of psychiatric drugs cause brain damage?
Doctors know that anti psychotic drugs shrink the brain often causing permanent brain damage.
Do psychiatric medications change personality?
The evidence for Personality Changes "Medication can definitely change people's personalities and change them quite substantially, University of Pennsylvania."
What are the dangers of psychotropic drugs?
Common and well-documented side effects of psychiatric drugs include mania,
psychosis, hallucinations, depersonalization, suicidal ideation, heart attacks,
stroke and sudden death. See (Continuation of Page One) doctor Peter Breggin one of the worlds most educated psychiatrists on mental health drugs being used proves this fact.
Is it possible that adverse drug events harm millions of Americans annually.
Adverse drug events harm 2.7 million hospitalized patients in the U.S. annually, with over 106,000 deaths and that's just for hospitalized patients. Another 350,00 adverse drug events occur in U.S. nursing homes each year. And believe it or not, by most estimates, only 1-10% of these adverse events ever reported. All facts can be verified on internet.
Can stress permanently damage the brain?
It has been noted that during times of chronic stress most often there is an imbalance in gray and white matter. In some cases, this results in permanent changes to the brain's structure. The long-term activation of the stress response system, and the over exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts people at increased risk of many health problems, including Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Schizophrenia and the list is much larger than presented here.
Proven best Treatment for most all mental disorders
What do orthomolecular practitioners such as Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer emphasize.
Orthomolecular medicine provides the brain and other organs the needed nutrients, changing or improving intake of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements,
and other naturally occurring substances promotes mental and physical well-being.
Note: Abram Hoffer explains how the pharmaceutical industry corrupts and controls
the American medical industry. Never stop using pharmaceutical drugs without psychiatric help very dangerous. This is an enormous problem for Americans to solve.
Page two continuation of this page has videos of these doctors listed below proving these facts presented. Doctor Ronda Patrick practices and teaches othomolecular medicine.
Doctor Julia Rutleage also explains these mental and physical proven scientifically recognized cures by using vitamins, minerals and other natural occurring substances.
Doctor Paul Harch has restored cell damage with hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
for many neurological disorders. Proven to treat PTSD also, but VA will not apply.
National geographic video explains that excessive stress hormones are real human killer.
These respected scientists solidly confirm the facts known by many in the scientific community. They all have been solidly proven to have saved many peoples lives.
Doctor Peter Breggin is one worlds best drug experts, he explains the proven dangers of hundreds of psychotropic drugs being sold all over the world. Proven studies decades ago.
Doctor Julia Rutleage also explains these mental and physical proven scientifically recognized cures by using vitamins, minerals and other natural occurring substances.
Doctor Paul Harch has restored cell damage with hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
for many neurological disorders. Proven to treat PTSD also, but VA will not apply.
National geographic video explains that excessive stress hormones are real human killer.
These respected scientists solidly confirm the facts known by many in the scientific community. They all have been solidly proven to have saved many peoples lives.
Doctor Peter Breggin is one worlds best drug experts, he explains the proven dangers of hundreds of psychotropic drugs being sold all over the world. Proven studies decades ago.